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The Green Mountain Conservation District works to promote conservation education in Sanders County. In addition to working individually with landowners, the district also helps host the annual Water Festival.

Water Festival

The Water Festival in an annual field trip hosted by the Green Mountain Conservation District and Eastern Sanders County Conservation District for all 5th graders in Sanders County. Every fall (end of September or early October), 5th Graders gather at Thompson Falls State Park. Multiple stations teach the kids about water, land, fish, wildlife, weeds and more! For more information or to volunteer, contact the Green Mountain Conservation District!


Sanders County 5th Graders visit the a "rolling rivers" station as part of the annual Water Festival. Here they learn about erosion, the importance of streamside vegetation, and even infrastructure, such as the 'culvert' pictured here.
Students explore the contents of stream macroinvetebrate samples at the stream ecology station of the Water Festival.
Natural Resource Conservation Service staff teach about soil at one station of the Water Festival.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks host a station every year to teach field trip participants about fish identification and habitat needs. An interactive game demonstrates the challenges that at fish in the Clark Fork River faces in order to survive and spawn successfully.
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